***************************** GP-Pro EX Ver.4.0 **************************** Nov 2016 Digital Electronics Corporation Preface Thank you for using GP-Pro EX. GP-Pro EX is software to create logic programs and screen data for graphical operation touch panels. The Windows environment ensures operability and high performance. Please visit the Pro-face website (http://www.pro-face.com/) for the latest information. Table of Contents (0) Version (1) New Features List = V4.06.100 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.06.000 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.05.100 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.05.000 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.04.000 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.03.300 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.03.100 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.03.000 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.02.000 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.01.000 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features = V4.00.000 ===== 1-1 Support of New Features (2) Limitations 2-1 Editor 2-2 Display Unit 2-3 Device/PLC 2-4 WinGP 2-5 Pro-face Remote HMI Server (3) When Serial No. and License Key Code are not input (4) Installation and Uninstallation 4-1 Installation 4-2 Uninstallation (5) User Registration (6) Manuals (7) Fixed Defects = V4.06.101 ===== 7-1 Installation = V4.06.100 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC = V4.05.100 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC 7-4 Pro-face Remote HMI Server = V4.05.000 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC = V4.04.100 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC 7-4 Pro-face Remote HMI Server = V4.04.000 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC = V4.03.400 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC = V4.03.300 ===== 7-1 Display Unit = V4.03.200 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit = V4.03.100 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Pro-face Remote HMI Server = V4.03.000 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Pro-face Remote HMI Server = V4.02.000 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Pro-face Remote HMI Server = V4.01.000 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC = V4.00.000 ===== 7-1 Editor 7-2 Display Unit 7-3 Device/PLC Contents ================================================================================ (0) Version Editor: Ver.4.06.101 System/Runtime: Ver.4.6.10 Sub-system/OS Core: Ver.4.6.10 (SP-5B10, GP4000 series except for GP4000M series, GP-4104, GP-4105, GP-4106, and GP-4107.) Ver.1.2.6 (LT4000 series) Ver.1.3.3 (GP4000M series) Ver.1.1.3 (GP-4104) Ver.1.3.5 (GP-4105, GP-4106, GP-4107) Ver.3.6.5 (GP3400 series, GP3500 series, GP3600 series, GP3700 series) Ver.3.6.0 (ST3000 series, GP-3200 series, AGP3310HT, AGP3300HS/HL) Ver.3.6.3 (LT-3300 series, AGP3300T/U/S/L, AGP3301S/L) Ver.3.5.1 (Other than above models) Memory Loader: Ver.4.6.10 (1) New Features List = V4.06.100 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Supported Models> - SP5000 Series Open Box (SP5B40) now supports the following display modules: - SP-5600TP SVGA (800*600) - SP-5660TP SVGA (800*600) - SP-5700TP SVGA (800*600) <NEW functionality> - SP5000 Series Power Box (SP-5B10) now supports display modules with 9-point calibration settings. <Editor> - The [Do not transfer all if no change in project] option is now available in the [Save as] dialog box. <Enhanced Recipe> - You can now use system variables to check the recipe label of enhanced recipes. <Transfer Tool> - You can now edit a display unit's [Ethernet] settings from the Transfer Tool. <Others> - You can now use system variables to check the project file name. = V4.06.000 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Supported Models> - GP-4311HT is now supported. = V4.05.100 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <NEW functionality> - On the Open Box, you can now use WinGP to check the status of the operating system's Enhanced Writer Filter (EWF). = V4.05.000 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Supported models> - The following 3 models are now supported. - GP-4114T - GP-4115T - GP-4116T <Pro-face Remote HMI> - You can now use the device/PLC to change screens on Remote HMI (client) set to asynchronous mode. <Communication Driver> - Function version upgraded communication driver - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation iQ-R/F Ethernet - Pass-Through function supported. - YASKAWA Electric Corporation MP Ethernet/MECHATROLINK Driver - The driver name changed from "MP/INVERTER/SERVO Ethernet" to "MP Ethernet/MECHATROLINK". - R7G4HML3-LC2 of M-System Co., Ltd now supported. - K1G of Azbil Corporation now supported. - Cognex Corporation In-Sight Vision Systems - In-Sight 7000 now supported. - KEYENCE Corporation KV-700/1000/3000/5000 CPU Direct - KV-7000/KV-Nano Series now supported. - KEYENCE Corporation KV-700/1000/3000/5000 Ethernet - KV-7000/KV-Nano Series now supported. <Others> - PS-5000, PS/PE-4*00 series and PC/AT now support portrait orientation. - The following products now run on Windows 10. - GP-Pro EX (screen editor) - Transfer Tool - Version Reverter - Project Comparison Tool - Project Converter - Recovery Tool - Pass-Through - Device Data Copy Tool - Pro-face Remote HMI Server - GP-Viewer EX = V4.04.000 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <NEW functionality> - WinGP now supports True Colors for Image and JPEG files. - WinGP now supports high resolution for PS-5000, PS/PE-4*00 series and PC/AT. - The Project Converter now supports LT3300T. - You can now enter the GP-Viewer EX key code from the Transfer Tool. - WinGP now supports PS-5000 series. <Others> - WinGP SDK now runs on Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0. <Communication Driver> - Newly-added communication driver - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation iQ-R/F Ethernet - Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX MEWTOCOL7-COM Ethernet - Function version upgraded communication driver - ODVA EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging - Custom Explicit now supports "Get Attribute Single" Service (0x0e) and "Set Attribute Single" Service (0x10). - Azbil Corporation Controller (CPL) - Burner Controller BC-R series now supported. - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Q/QnA Series Ethernet - High-Speed Universal Model (QnUDVCPU) now supported. - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Q Series QnU CPU Ethernet - High-Speed Universal Model (QnUDVCPU) now supported. - Rockwell Automation, Inc. EtherNet/IP - When automatic port number allocation is enabled, you can now configure Individual Device Settings to one physical target PLC for both the "ControlLogix/CompactLogix Series" and "Control/Compact/Flex Logix Series Native". - JTEKT Corporation TOYOPUC CMP-LINK SIO - PC10G-CPU now supported. - PC3JG-CPU's EB device now supported. - JTEKT Corporation TOYOPUC CMP-LINK Ethernet - PC3JG-CPU's EB device now supported. - Relay communication now supported. - Azbil Corporation MODBUS SIO Master - Series name change from KG to K1G. - Beckhoff Automation GmbH TwinCAT ADS/AMS - AMS NetID setting now supported in offline mode. - Pass-Through Function Setting Tool - Timeout setting now supported. - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation iQ-R/F Ethernet - Label import function now supported (iQ-R series only). - Panasonic IndustrialDevices SUNX FP Series Computer Link SIO - Change in maker name. Panasonic Electric Works SUNX Co., Ltd. -> Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX - Seiko Epson Corporation Remote Ethernet - A new device now supported. - Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 MPI Direct - Tag import dialog box now improved. - Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 Ethernet - Tag import dialog box now improved. = V4.03.300 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Others> - GP4000 series (except for GP4100 series, GP-4201TM and GP-4301TM) supported compatible parts for stable service. = V4.03.100 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Device/Option Support> - You can now expand the user screen area in AGP-3560T. = V4.03.000 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Enhanced Recipe> - You can now check search results from a recipe list part by using system variables. - You can now use a system variable to copy, save, and reload recipes. - You can now receive recipe labels. <Runtime Improvements> - The File Manager can now use the Remove DEL Key feature with CF/SD cards. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - Pro-face Remote HMI is now available in WinGP. - Pro-face Remote HMI now supports multiple client connections. <Communication Driver> - Function version upgraded communication driver - OMRON Corporation CS/CJ/NJ Series EtherNet/IP - Added support for double-byte characters on the NJ series. - YASKAWA Electric Corporation MP/INVERTER/SERVO Ethernet - Sigma-7 series is supported. = V4.02.000 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Pro-face Remote HMI Server> - In the Common Settings, you can now set up [No timeout] for the timeout time. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - In the Common Settings, you can now set up [No timeout] for the timeout time. - When communication is unstable, you can now define a timer for terminating the connection. <NEW functionality> - When using the Start application command, you now have the option to suppress WinGP CPU usage. <Communication Driver> - Function version upgraded communication driver - ODVA EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging - Implicit messaging now supported. - Custom Explicit message now supported. - TOSHIBA MACHINE Co., Ltd. TC Series(TCmini/TC200) Device Data Copy Tool - Now supports VGA display. - YASKAWA Electric Corporation MEMOBUS Ethernet Device Data Copy Tool - Added support for new transfer files. (Maintenance Monitor Setting, FTP Client definition.) <Others> - The following products now run on Windows 8.1. - GP-Pro EX (screen editor) - Transfer Tool - Version Reverter - Project Comparison Tool - Project Converter - Recovery Tool - Pass-Through - WinGP - WinGP SDK - Device Data Copy Tool - Open Box (SP5B40) models now support portrait orientation. - The following now support VGA display: - SP5000 series (Box Module) - SP-5B10 (Display Module) - SP-5500TP - SP-5600TP - SP-5660TP - SP-5700TP = V4.01.000 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Editor Improvements> - You can now import the recipe data of enhanced recipes. <Runtime Improvements> - Importing/exporting enhanced recipes You can now import and export element labels and recipe labels. - Enhanced recipe search You can now use system variables to search for enhanced recipes. - Mapped address You can now edit enhanced recipe element values on the device/PLC. - Send options When transferring an enhanced recipe to a device/PLC, you can write the enhanced recipe's label and ID to the defined address. <Communication Driver> - Function version upgraded communication driver - Beckhoff Automation GmbH TwinCAT ADS/AMS - Support TwinCAT3. - Reading a large number of array elements has been optimized. = V4.00.000 =================================================================== 1-1 Support of New Features <Supported Models> - The following models are now supported: - GP-4000M (Rear Modular Type) - SP5000 series (Box Module) - SP-5B10 - SP-5B40 (Display Module) - SP-5400WA WVGA(800*480) - SP-5500WA WXGA(1280*800) - SP-5500TP SVGA(800*600) - SP-5600TP XGA(1024*768) - SP-5660TP XGA(1024*768) - SP-5600WA WXGA(1280*800) - SP-5700TP XGA(1024*768) <Pro-face Remote HMI> - Pro-face Remote HMI Server function is now supported. - Pro-face Remote HMI function is now supported on the SP5000 Series. - Pro-face Remote HMI function is now supported on the GP-4000M Series. - Server list screen now supports monitoring triggered alarms. <Editor Improvements> - You can now create a project using [Create Project From Configuration File (Pro-face Device Configurator)]. <Communication Driver> - Newly-added communication driver - CoDeSys Automation Alliance CoDeSys Ethernet - CoDeSys Automation Alliance CoDeSys SIO - Control Techniques MODBUS SIO Master - Control Techniques MODBUS TCP Master - IEC Standard IEC 60870-5-101 - Siemens AG Ethernet Gateway MPI/PROFIBUS - Function version upgraded communication driver - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation FX Series CPU Direct The following setting was added: FX3S Series is supported. (2) Limitations 2-1 Editor <Project Comparison Tool> - Comparison result of [Device/PLC settings] may appear as "Different" though project files have same [Device/PLC] Settings. <ProjectCopy> - You cannot transfer project data created in V4.04.000 or later to WinGP versions prior to V4.04.000 on the PS/PE-4000 or 5000 series. Additionally, you cannot transfer project data created before V4.04.000 to WinGP versions V4.04.000 or later. 2-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <USB Device> - When a USB device is inserted/removed, all USB devices may not become disabled under the condition that five or more USB devices are connected at the same time using the USB HUB in GP-4000 series. If this phenomenon occurs, reset the Display. <Data Display> - When two or more Data Displays with "Indirect" specified are made to be invisible at the same time while displaying a pop-up keypad, some Data Display may not be invisible. <RPA> - A keypad is closed while the [Alt] key on the keypad of the RPA Window Display is held down. When the keypad is opened next time, the [Alt] key remains held down. <USB/SIO> - Do not use a logic program during communication with a Device/PLC using a USB/SIO (RS422/485). If the logic program is used in the situation, a communication error may occur. <Logic Program> - In GP4000 series (except for GP-4100 series) and LT4000 series, the buzzer sound in Ver. 3.5 is different from that in Ver. lower than 3.5. <EZ Fingerprint Recognition Unit> - Do not attach/detach the fingerprint authentication unit while turning on the power to the Display. Doing so, inconsistency occurs between the security data and the fingerprint data and the display of the authentication and the password setting may not operate normally. If an inconsistency occurs between them due to attachment/detachment of the fingerprint authentication unit, update the fingerprint data of the fingerprint authentication unit using the "Update DB" function. <Screen Transfer> - Do not attach/detach the transfer cable while transferring to the SP5000 Series Open Box (SP-5B40). Even if the cable is detached, the unit will not detect an error. - On the Power Box(SP-5B10) of the SP5000 series, In the case of forced transfer mode, you cannot transfer using LAN2. <Bit Momentary Switch> - Compared to other series, the buzzer for the Open Box's (SP-5B40) Bit Momentary switch sounds different. <System Menu> - The Windows task bar flickers if you continually trigger the system menu's display operation (simultaneously touch the top-right and bottom-left corners) on the SP5000 series Open Box (SP-5B40). <EZ Tower Light> - On the SP5000 series Open Box (SP-5B40), after transfer operation, restarting or closing WinGP causes the sound to buzzer and lights to flash in red for all lights on the EZ Tower Light. <Offline> - On the SP5000 series Open Box (SP-5B40), even though there are no devices connected, in the offline menu, the Peripheral Settings screen's USB Screen shows USB equipment. - On the GP4200 Series, GP4300 Series, and LT4000 Series, you cannot edit Web Server settings offline. <Text Table> - When using Load Text Table with code page 850, there is the case that Text table is not displayed correctly. <Memory Loader> - On the GP-4100 Series (Color Model), if you download the different CML file in a row without ending the memory loader, SRAM may be initialized after restarting the display unit. <Image Parts> - When the [Compress] check box is selected, transparency may not display properly. <Enhanced Recipe> - Search results may not display if you use system variables to search for a recipe, while deleting a recipe in an Enhanced Recipe List part. When this occurs, reset the display unit. <External Buzzer Output> - When [Display Unit] - [Operation] - [Output to External Buzzer Terminal] is enabled on the GP3300H or GP4000H series, the GP3000H conversion adapter emits the external buzzer for the following operations from the maintenance menu. - Check Pattern - Check Touch Panel - Calibrate Touch Panel - Check COM1/COM2/LAN - Memory Info - Check Function Switch <Pro-face Remote HMI> - When the operation switch is enabled on the GP4000H series, only monitoring is possible from the client. The client cannot perform any operations. 2-3 Device/PLC <OMRON Corporation CS/CJ/NJ Series EtherNet/IP> - In Pro-Server EX's Device Monitor function when a Multiple Bit Write operation is performed on an array type Tag it may not write correctly. - When single bit write operation is performed on a 32-bit Tag(DINT), the 16th bit cannot be written. <Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 MPI Direct> - When a Copy / Paste operation which results in the maximum number of Tags being exceeded no error is displayed. - When several Tag Data Files are created, the maximum number of Tags may not be checked correctly. <TOSHIBA MACHINE Co., Ltd. TC Series(TCmini/TC200)> - In Pro-Server EX's Device Monitor function the Multiple Bit Write operation may not work in some cases. <Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. MICREX-SX Series SIO> - Do not use "Indirect" setting for the String type. If it is specified, data may not be displayed normally. - When STRING variables are displayed in Device Monitor of Pro-Server EX, only two characters are displayed. <GE Fanuc Automation Series 90-30/70 SNP> - Some spelling mistakes are found in English error messages. <GE Fanuc Automation Series 90-30/70 SNP-X> - If an error occurs during communication, set "1" or larger value for Retry Count. <Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd MHI STEP3 Ethernet> - When a bit device is specified in Alarm Summary, alarms of 17th bit or later are not displayed normally. If this phenomenon occurs, use the word device. <Mitsubishi Electric Corporation FREQROL Inverter> - When the link parameter device is read, the communication cycle time becomes an illegal value. <Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Q Series CPU Direct Connection> - In a screen where a Display Unit does not communicate with a PLC: When an access is made to the PLC using the pass-through function after the PLC is restarted, the password lock occurs to the PLC. Make connections using the pass-through function after the screen is shifted to the one where the Display Unit communicates with the PLC. - Do not write the data including the bit address with the extended recipe function. If such writing is made, a communication error may occur. <ODVA DeviceNet Slave> - Do not input 32 or more characters for the device address in Address Input of Device Monitor. <Rockwell Automation EtherNet/IP> - Tag information allocated to I/O units may not be imported normally. If this phenomenon occurs, edit the data with the Editor manually. <Siemens AG> <PROFIBUS International> - When bit read/write for two or more points is performed to a bit-accessible word device or word type tag, an address other than the specified address may be read/written. <Pass-through Function> - The pass-through function cannot be used when WinGP and IIS FTP servers are used at the same time. 2-4 WinGP <Function> - The buzzer of WinGP does not sound in PS-4700 (Z510). <File Manager> - When the File Manager displays a folder path and data in that folder is updated, the folder path reverts to the default path. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - The system load status or wireless communication status may prevent the application from disconnecting within the time specified by the property: Disconnect after communication is down for. 2-5 Pro-face Remote HMI Server - In Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10, application distribution fails to correctly display distributed screens of Excel 2013 on the client. To distribute Excel 2013 screens, use desktop distribution. (3) When Serial No. and License Key Code are not input - Project data cannot be transferred to the operation panels (except for GP4100 series, IPCs and PC-ATs (Used WinGP)). - Transfer using the Transfer Tool is not available for WinGP. However, using ProjectCopy, you can copy screen data and get it to work. To use ProjectCopy, click [Start]-[All Programs]-[Pro-face]-[WinGP]- [ProjectCopy] on the Windows desktop screen. However, note that ProjectCopy cannot be used in the following cases: - When system data has not been transferred - When system data has been changed WinGP automatically stops after three hours of continuous operation. * It is possible to input the serial No. and the license key code after installation of the software. Start the product and go to [Help]-[Enter Key Code]. (4) Installation and Uninstallation 4-1 Installation - Be sure to quit all application programs and close (disable) all resident programs such as virus detection software before installing the software. - Install this software using a user account with Administrator privileges. - When reinstalling or updating RemoteHMIServer, begin installation only after uninstalling the application and restarting the computer. - If you update while the Pro-face Remote HMI Server is running, installation may fail. - Refer to our support site "Otasuke Pro!" (http://www.pro-face.com/otasuke/) for the operating environment. - By inserting a disk into the DVD drive, Setup window will appear. If the Setup window does not appear, click the desktop's [Start] button and then click [Run]. In the text input field, enter [D:\ProEX_Setup.exe] and click [OK]. (As for the "D:\" part, enter your DVD drive name.) * Some of the tools require a license. In cases below, USB transfer cables may not be recognized correctly: - When you installed the software with a USB transfer cable connected - When you started using the software without restarting your computer - <How to install ".NET Framework2.0" when not connected to Internet> 1)Insert the Windows installation media. If you do not have the Windows installation media, contact the PC manufacturer. 2)Select "Open command prompt as administrator" on the Explorer. 3)Execute the following command at the Command Prompt. Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:x:\sources \sxs /LimitAccess *) For x:, specify the drive letter of Windows installation media or the DVD drive. 4-2 Uninstallation To uninstall the software, click on [Start], then select [All Programs]- [Pro-face]-[***], and execute [Uninstall]. ("***" represents the product name and version.) Project files and files in your package files will not be removed by this operation. Delete other tools from [Start]-[Control Panel]- [Add or Remove Programs]. (5) User Registration Please register your software to help us offer enhanced customer support. Since you can confirm the registered information at anytime once you register, you do not have to worry even if you lose it. To register, insert a DVD into the DVD drive, select the User Registration menu in the Set Up Menu screen and complete the online Software User Registration. You can also register after installation by starting the product and registering from [Help]-[Online User Registration]. (6) Manuals To view PDF manuals, the Adobe Reader software must be installed on your computer. Start the product and select [Manual] from the [Help(H)] menu. To view only the manuals, select [Start]-[All Programs]-[Pro-face]-[***] -[Manual].("***" represents the product name and version.) Some manuals need to be downloaded from our support site "Otasuke Pro!". (7) Fixed Defects = V4.06.101 =================================================================== 7-1 Installation - The following behavior has been revised by removing corresponding file; Some virus check tools show a warning message of virus detection. = V4.06.100 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor <Version Reverter> - If you converted a V4.0 project to V3.6, you could not open that project in the screen editor. <Logic> - After inserting a label, using the Undo command sometimes caused GP-Pro EX to exit unexpectedly. <Transfer CSV Data> - When using the Japanese operating language, in the Recipe Settings (Transfer CSV Data) - CSV Data Transfer Condition, the [Number of Digits] field displayed as [Decimal Places]. <Comparison Tool> - When the model was SP5B40+SP5660TP, comparison was not possible with projects using different display modules. <Transfer Tool> - When using automatic transfer to send a project with backed up historical alarm data, sometimes SRAM was not cleared and historical data became invalid. - When sending projects to multiple display units in automatic transfer mode, sometimes the transfer tool exited unexpectedly. 7-2 Display Unit <I/O Driver> - When the display unit turned OFF, the I/O driver instructions PLSY/PLSQ did not output anymore. - Analog output was not possible when the analog output's value for the lower limit was greater than 0. <WinGP> - As soon as a display unit started up, touching a Special Switch to enter the offline screen sometimes caused the PC-Runtime to display a halt error message. <Printing> - When using certain printers, printer output was duplicated. <Offline> - Transferring projects from past versions of GP-Pro EX to GP4000 series (excluding GP4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM) sometimes caused the setup items in the offline screen to not display properly. <System Data Area> - Depending on the address you used as the system data area's start address, the system data area did not operate properly. <Transfer CSV Data> - Sometimes erroneous values were output when using Tranfer CSV Data to create your CSV. <Logic> - In the logic program, setting a value greater than 65536 to a 16-bit address sometimes caused a communication error. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - Even though an Off delay switch was pressed on the client, screen change operation was possible on the display unit. - Even when a client monopolized touch operations, function switch operations on the Hand-held GP was possible. - While displaying an analysis list, changing the client to asynchronous connection caused a system error. - When running asynchronous screen monitoring while WLAN communication was unstable, and you used the [Previous Screen] switch, sometimes it displayed the wrong screen. - Pressing function switches on the hand-held GP did not monopolize touch operations and touch operations were possible from the client. <Enhanced Recipes> - On a screen without a Recipe List part, after receiving enhanced recipe data, copying the enhanced recipes actually copied the recipes prior to receiving the enhanced recipe data. <Screen Transfer> - When using the SP5000 Series Power Box (SP-5B10) in forced transfer mode, transferring the project file sometimes failed. <Others> - On the rare occasion, LT4000 series units did not start up. 7-3 Device/PLC <Siemens AG TIA Portal Ethernet> - When using the Siemens AG TIA Portal Ethernet driver, failed to transfer the project to the display unit after re-importing the TIA Portal project file. <TwinCAT ADS/AMS driver> - When using the BeckhOFF driver, sometimes String-Array text could not display in the GP's data display part. = V4.05.100 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor <Editor> - On the PS-5000 series and PS/PE-4000 series, after selecting COM2 in the device/PLC settings, sometimes the RS422/485 option could not be selected. <Sampling> - In the Sampling settings, editing the address in the address settings sometimes caused the application to exit unexpectedly. - In the Print Settings, sometimes the number of characters in the Print Preview did not match the actual printout. <Print> - Printing the I/O settings omitted the I/O name. <Data Display> - If you select the Sign +/- check box in a Numeric Display, and from the Display settings select Image Font, sometimes the preview did not display numeric values. <Text Table> - Editing the contents of the Text Table sometimes changed the position of referenced text parts. <Function Blocks> - After creating a function block with no registered variables, displaying [Project Information] or the function block's [Change Attributes] dialog box occasionally caused the application to end unexpectedly. <Project Comparison Tool> - Comparing the same project sometimes produced differences. <Remote Viewer Settings> - Unable to set up FTP or Web Server functions on GP3300 Series, models earlier than Rev*-4. <Others> - After deleting a base screen, from the [Edit] menu selecting [Undo] sometimes changed the [Shape] of parts to [No shape]. - When deleting one of the vertex points on a Polyline, Polygon, or Picture Display, sometimes the display position shifted to something other than the deleted point. 7-2 Display Unit <WinGP> - From the system menu, reset sometimes caused WinGP to end unexpectedly. - From the WinGP offline screen, sometimes the task manager would not start. - When using a project set up with sound functions, sometimes you could not enter offline mode. <Offline> - On a display unit that does not support MPI, from the offline maintenance menu's [COM1/COM2/LAN Check] property selecting [COM2/RS422] would sometimes display the dialog box for MPI models. <Sampling> - Saving sampling data to CSV format sometimes caused a date of 00/00/00 for sampling records. <Transfer Tool> - When CF card is selected as the destination in the [Project Information], during screen transfer the Transfer Tool sometimes ended unexpectedly. <Online Monitor> - When monitoring logic online and the connection with the display unit fails, sometimes the display unit would cease to run. <Data Display> - When the Address Type is [Address] or [Device Type Address], the popup keypad's display speed has been improved. <Memory loader> - When using USB memory with the write protection feature enabled and you transfer screen data from the memory loader, the IP address on the display unit would sometimes change. <Error Message> - On the GP-4100 series (Color Model), when the backup battery is running low on power, the message "RAAA055:Clock data has been initialized" would display. <Logic> - When using a Bit Type system variable as a Function Block operand, sometimes the operation would be incorrect. <Script> - When using the Write File instruction, setup with offset and overwrite modes, the write operation took some time to complete. <System Variables> - On the GP-4100 series (Color Model), even though the project has not been transferred, sometimes the #H_TransferChange system variable would not turn OFF. <Momentary Switch> - On WinGP, while touching a momentary switch, touching two or more points outside the momentary switch sometimes caused the momentary switch to turn OFF. <Others> - On the GP-4100 series (Color Model), if the USB connection is interrupted while transferring the project, or the display unit is powered OFF, sometimes touch did not work. 7-3 Device/PLC <Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 MPI Direct> - On the SP5000 series, while communicating with the PLC, frequently accessing the SD card on the display unit sometimes caused a communication error. <CoDeSys Automation Alliance CoDeSys V3 Ethernet> - Sometimes failed to import variables. - Sometimes failed to import structured variables. - Reading text data sometimes caused WinGP or Open Box to stop running. <Panasonic IndustrialDevices SUNX MEWTOCOL7-COM Ethernet> - When communicating with an older CPU, sometimes communication errors occurred. 7-4 Pro-face Remote HMI Server <Screen Distribution> - On application distribution, if the client is disconnected then reconnected, sometimes the client screen would turn white and the application screen could not be displayed. = V4.05.000 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor <Editor> - When using the Premium Display Module with the SP5000 Series Open Box (SP-5B40), sometimes you could not open a project received using the Receive Project command. - Previously unable to set up a modem on the LT4000 series. - There was an error in part of the Cyrillic stroke font. <D-Script> - Added preventative measures against stack overflows and unauthorized memory access caused by spoofing. <Transfer Tool> - When using AGP3750T or AGP3560T, sometimes the run time was also transferred despite the setting defined in the Automatic Transfer property. - Added preventative measures against spoofing used to reference data. <Project Comparison Tool> - Sometimes the tool was unable to complete comparison of Alarm attributes. - The process was interrupted when comparing projects with the following parts or screens. - Remote PC Access Window - Alarm - Window - Graph - Sampling Data Display - Selector List - Text Alarm - Historical Trend Graph - Show CSV - Data Transmission - Filing - File Manager - Function Block screen 7-2 Display Unit <Alarm> - Improved polling performance of extended alarms on GP4000 series, SP5000 series, and WinGP. <Script> - On the GP-4100 Series, GP-4201TM and GP-4301TM, communicating over RS-485(2-wire), clearing the send or receive buffer with the EXT_SIO_CTRL control variable sometimes disabled GP-4000 so it could not receive the next data. <Startup> - On the SP5000 series and WinGP, when Device Monitor was enabled, sometimes the display unit had difficulty starting up. <Sampling> - The Sampling Display part's Refine Search feature was unable to find dates in the 2000 to 2009 year range. <FTP> - On the SP5000 Series Power Box (SP-5B10), previously unable to make a PASV Mode connection from a FTP client <Pro-Server EX> <WinGP API communication> - While the display unit is saving SRAM backup data, sometimes an error occurred if you saved Pro-Server EX SRAM backup data, if you ran an action that accesses SRAM, or if you ran an API that reads the SRAM backup data. 7-3 Device/PLC <GE Intelligent Platforms Series 90-30/70 SNP-X> - In the Alarm Summary, setting up a bit device (bit 17 or later) did not display correctly. <Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 MPI Direct> - When used with the SP5000 series, sometimes a communication error occurred. <LS Industrial Systems Co., Ltd. XGT/XGB Series FEnet> - On reading a bit device, sometimes the wrong value was read. = V4.04.100 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Project Information> - Project Information did not display input Integer Variables correctly. - When the operand of a function block instruction is empty, displaying the Project Information caused GP-ProEX to exit unexpectedly. <Transfer tool> - Speed of transferring projects over LAN is improved on WinGP, SP5000 series (Power Box and Open Box), and GP4000 series (except GP-4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM). <Project Comparison Tool> - The Comparison Tool stopped working when comparing a project set up with comments in the Movie Player. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <Barcode Reader> - When scanning repeatedly over a short period of time, the barcode reader dropped bits of data. <WinGP> - When SRAM usage exceeded 512 KB , internal device backup did not run. <Extended Script> - When using drawing functions in extended scripts, on very rare occasions the Display locked up. <FTP> - FTP clients could not connect to the SP5B40 unit's LAN2 port. <USB A Port Communication> - When a GP4000 series unit (except for GP-4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM) communicated at high speeds with a USB device connected to the USB A port, sometimes access to the USB device became unavailable. 7-3 Device/PLC <Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 Ethernet> <Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 MPI Direct> - Starting Simulation slowed when using a large number of tags. <Schneider Electric SA MODBUS SLAVE> - On a newly created project where Ethernet is selected, running bit operations on retentive registers cleared bits in unrelated registers. 7-4 Pro-face Remote HMI Server <Screen Distribution> - Using desktop delivery, you can now input from the software keyboard on the server. = V4.04.000 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Transfer tool> - Transfer Tool did not display the I/O driver name in the Transfer File Information. - The Transfer Tool's [CF/SD card connection] , sometimes folder copy would end abruptly. <font> - There was an error in part of the Cyrillic stroke font. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <Data Display> <WinGP> - Enabling Windows touch on Windows 7 or later slowed the reaction time of momentary switches. <Enhanced Recipe> - In Enhanced Recipe mapped addresses, sometimes the corresponding element values were invalid. - The Enhanced Recipe's #H_RecipeResultTransfer variable did not correctly reflect an error. - System error sometimes occurred when importing a CSV file as an Enhanced Recipe. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - When a client in asynchronous mode and a client in synchronous mode are connected at the same time, and you set an invalid table number in the Text Table's [Switching Control Address], changing the screen on the asynchronous client caused the screen on the server to change. - When monopolize touch was set to 0 seconds, and the client was disconnected while touching the screen, touch did not turn OFF. - Frequent screen changes from a client in asynchronous mode sometimes caused the screen on the server to change. - Even though the time elapsed for monopolize touch, sometimes this feature would not release touch. - While a client is running monopolize touch and a switch is continually touched on the server, even though the switch is still touched and should not activate anything, the switch actions run as soon as monopolize touch is released by the client. - Connecting Remote HMI for extended periods sometimes caused WinGP to crash. - When multiple clients connected in synchronous mode, unable to monopolize touch between clients. <Animation> - Color animation for image file sometimes did not work. <Script> - On the GP-4000 series (except for GP-4100 Series, GP-4201TM and GP-4301TM), communicating over RS-422/485 2-wire, clearing the send or receive buffer with the EXT_SIO_CTRL control variable sometimes disabled GP-4000 so it could not receive the next data. <Others> - On SP5B10, mapping the top address of the LS area to a device/PLC address with a bit length of 32 bits sometimes caused the internal device backup data to be 0xFFFF. - On the GP-4201TM or GP-4301TM, sometimes the screen did not recover from standby mode. - SP5B10, on the rare occasion , displayed error [RGAA001: Watchdog error]. 7-3 Device/PLC <Azbil Corporation Controller (CPL)> - Accessing Network Addresses (00000001-0000FFFFh) in DMC50 sometimes caused a communication error. <ODVA EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging> - When using implicit messaging and the TCP/IP connection was terminated from an external device, sometimes communication could not be restored. <CC-Link Partner Association CC-Link Intelligent Device> - When using "Cyclic Transmission"and "Transient Transmission" on the screen at the same time, only when "Cyclic Transmission" completed could the GP display data values. = V4.03.400 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Alarm> - In the Editor, there was the case that a part of the Address settings get initialized when copying and pasting (Assign Addresses) the Read Data From Each Alarm settings in Block tab of Alarm settings. <Trigger Action> - There was the case that an error below displayed in error check when opening the project file which set the screen changing by using trigger action. [1501: Base screen Illegal address. Define a correct address.] <Project Converter> - When converting the GP-PRO/PBIII project file which includes the tab character in variables, the project was not able to open in editor. <Error Check> - There was the case that project file using SP5B40 showed a warning of SRAM capacity displayed during Error Check when usage capacity of SRAM exceeded 320 KB. <Startup> - There was the case GP-Pro EX will not run in the environment that not have time zone information in windows registry. <Version Reverter> - There was the case that the project used GP4301TM was not changed correctly from V. 4.0 to V. 3.6 or earlier by Version Reverter. <Project Comparison Tool> - When comparing the project which changed the coordinates of text object, a message displayed telling "Comparison item not found". 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <Data Display> - When pop-up keypad was displayed to right edge of the SP5B10 screen, there was the case that it was not displayed normally. <Online monitor> - When setting the indirect devices as Device/PLC, there was the case that online monitor not able to connect to the display. 7-3 Device/PLC <Digital Electronics Corporation General Ethernet> - Protocol stack error could remain indicated in passive connection opening. <YASKAWA Electric Corporation MP/INVERTER/SERVO Ethernet> - When driver version is V1.19.05, Device Data Copy Tool does not operate normally in WinGP. <YASKAWA Electric Corporation High Speed Ethernet Server> - Repetitive file reading with File Read class (0x4C0) into memory could cause display to stop communication. <CoDeSys Automation Alliance CoDeSys V3 Ethernet> - An abnormal application termination could occur with WinGP if "Node Name (or) Address" setting was empty. <Beckhoff Automation GmbH TwinCAT ADS/AMS> - Array data in a structure in Symbol mode could not always be displayed properly on screen. - An abnormal application termination could occur when importing a TPY file in which data type information for arrays is improperly exported by TwinCAT. <YOKOGAWA Electric Corporation Personal Computer Link Ethernet> - When "Binary" is selected as "Data Code Settings", reading error history with ERH device couldn't set the last byte. <Siemens AG SIMATIC S5 CPU Direct> - Some DB device settings in PLC could cause communication error with versions 1.13.02 or later. <OMRON Corporation CS/CJ/NJ Series EtherNet/IP> - When use multiple Tag Data with multiple node setting. The tag data may not deleted normally. = V4.03.300 =================================================================== 7-1 Display Unit (Runtime) <WinGP> - When using Start Application function, there was the case that WinGP operation gets slow. <Text Table> - When using Load Text Table, there was the case that certain characters were not displayed correctly. <Remote HMI> - Although the initial value of disconnect time after communication (#H_RemoteHMI_DisconnectMode) passed, there was the case that display does not detect it. <Ethernet > - When GP 4000 series (except for GP-4100 Series, GP-4201TM and GP-4301TM) received mass of multicast packets, there was the case that display operation gets slow. <LED> - There was the case that SP5B10 stop operating with display's LED blinking red and green under the conditions below. - When connected with USB mini-B cable (for both Box and Display). - When linked up/down with Ethernet Interface (Ethernet 1). - When connected with USB-to-serial conversion cable (CA6-USB232-01). = V4.03.200 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Display> - In the Editor, there were instances when the [Series] field listed unknown display types. <Transfer tool> - Using [CF/SD card connection], you could not copy multiple folders in the CF/SD card. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <WinGP> - On starting the SP5000 series (open box), sometimes all levels on the EZ Tower Light flashed red and emitted the buzzer. - On the rare occaion, repeated touches caused WinGP operation to freeze. - Changing to offline menu may not work. = V4.03.100 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Enhanced Recipe> - If you registered addresses in the Enhanced Recipe Group, these addresses appear as used in the address setting workspace even after the enhanced recipe group is deleted. Clicking the reference link for one of these deleted addresses caused GP-Pro EX to exit unexpectedly. - On importing CSV files as recipe data, elements that exceeded the upper limit were imported as invalid data. <Project Comparison Tool> - Comparing the same project set up with headers or footers on base screens caused the comparison result to be [Different]. <Display> - Convert Resolution did not convert labels on parts properly. <Graph> - When [Alarm Action] was [Address], [Display Direction] was [Right], [Left] or [Bottom], and the shape was not the default, icons for upper and lower limits defined in the [Alarm Settings] did not display properly on the display unit. <Function> - If you use any application other than GP-Pro EX to create alarm messages, then copy and paste these messages into GP-Pro EX alarms, modifying the message could cause GP-Pro EX to exit unexpectedly. <Device/PLC> - On selecting [PROFIBUS international], GP-Pro EX occasionally exited unexpectedly. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <Offline> - On very rare occasions, changing to offline mode distorted the screen froze operations. <File Manager> - On the SP5000 series Power Box (SP-5B10), viewing a file on a SD card or USB storage in the File Manager displayed an invalid value for the file's timestamp. <Sampling> - On the SP5000 series Power Box (SP-5B10), GP4000 series (except GP-4100 series), and the LT 4000 series, performance for saving sampling data to CSV was poor. <WinGP> - Continuously using the EZ Tower Light caused WinGP operations to cease. <Screen Transfer> - Transferring a project to WinGP failed when WinGP was installed on any drive except C drive and the C drive's write filter was enabled. - Changing the display unit to offline or transfer mode while running Pro-Server EX's data transfer feature caused the display unit to freeze. <Others> - On the GP-4000 series (except GP-4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM), if you turned OFF the display unit just as the display unit was powering up and about to show the initial screen, on very rare occasions project data on the display unit was erased, requiring you to transfer the project again. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - Previously, connection passwords could use language dependent symbols. <SD card> - On very rare occasions, writing to the SD card failed on GP-4000 series (except GP-4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM). <Call Screen> - Nesting base screens and keyboard screens 10 levels or more could cause shifting of the display position of parts. <Enhanced Recipe> - On the SP5000 series Power Box (SP-5B10), performance for editing label names in enhanced recipes was poor. 7-3 Pro-face Remote HMI Server <Screen Distribution> - While the application was being distributed, restarting the Remote HMI Server prevented the client from connecting to the application screen. <Distribution Settings> - Even though clients could connect using fixed paths only, the [Distribution Settings] screen's [Application] field accepted relative paths. = V4.03.000 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Function> - When editing a project with limited free disk space, the project failed to save. Then, you were unable to open the project. <Display> - PS/PE-4*00 projects showed the resolution as [1600 x 1200 pixels (UXGA)], regardless of the selected screen size. <Enhanced Recipe> - Copying and pasting an Enhanced Recipe Group would either paste incorrect data or cause the editor to stop working. <Transfer tool> - On GP3000 Series (excluding GP-3200 series) or GP4000 Series (excluding GP4000M series and GP-4100 series), if you transferred from the display unit to external storage backup data that included image fonts, and then you ran the [Memory Loader] - [Create Project] command using the backup data, the process would continue indefinitely. <Simulation> - When the project used many addresses, Simulation occasionally failed to launch. - Addresses with bit length of 32 bits would appear as 16 bits in simulation. <Project Comparison Tool> - When you used the Project Converter then ran the Comparison Tool on the project without saving in GP-Pro EX, the Comparison Tool stopped working. - Comparing a project before V3.0 with a project V3.0 or later, the Comparison Tool would display differences even though there were no differences in the editor. <I/O Driver> - When using the CANopen driver on LT4000 Rear Module Series, the I/O screen and IEC address's ID number would appear as [2] instead of the correct value of [0]. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <System Menu> - Sometimes the system menu did not display on SP5000 (Power Box), PremiumDisplay (SP5500TP / SP5600TP / SP5660TP / SP5700TP). <Data Display> - When the Data Display's data type was BCD with scale display ON, the scaled value was incorrect. <Offline> - On the OpenBOX, saving any settings from the offline menu would disrupt communication on COM2. <GP-ViewerEX> - Connecting the OpenBOX to run time version 3.60 would halt operations. <WinGP> - Even after disabling the WriteFilter function on the OpenBOX, sometimes the file write operation was not possible from WinGP. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - On asynchronous screens, enhanced recipe list parts and enhanced recipe data list parts did not appear. <I/O Driver> - When using the LT4000M's Standard Analog I/O in combination with the CANopen master driver, after running the automatic project transfer command, Standard Analog I/O did not run. 7-3 Pro-face Remote HMI Server <Screen Distribution> - On Windows 8.1, when magnifying the display to more than 100%, a part of the desktop or application screen did not distribute correctly. 7-4 Device/PLC <Beckhoff Automation GmbH> - When reading the same tag data from an array as was referenced by a numeric display via address offset on either a window screen or previously displayed base screen, the screen would freeze. - After selecting the data type in the address input dialog box for bit screen parts, GP-Pro EX could end abruptly. <Pass-through Function> - The SP5000 Series Open Box's the USB mini-B port did not work with the Pass-through function. <OMRON Corporation CS/CJ/NJ Series EtherNet/IP> - Starting up the Display was slowed when using the NJ series with many tag names with double-byte characters (such as Japanese). <Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 MPI Direct> - On the SP-5B10, when there is a communication error with the PLC, although rare, operation would freeze. = V4.02.000 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Simulation> - Simulation failed to launch on Windows 8.0. <Transfer Tool> - Could not transfer project data generated by the Version Reverter and saved in the editor. <Version Reverter> - Not all settings were saved to the project after using the reverter, occasionally causing the project to run abnormally on the display unit. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <Offline> - The name of the box module SP5B10 incorrectly appeared as "SP5B40". - After using the offline menu to initialize user memory on the SP5000 (Power Box), on restart the unit would start up in Transfer mode. <Memory Loader> - After transferring the project via USB startup on the GP4000M series, using the Japanese (FEP) keypad caused an error message to appear. <Enhanced Recipe> - When using the enhanced recipe feature to send recipe data from the display unit to external devices, there were instances when display unit operations froze. <Enhanced Recipe> - Running [Copy Recipe] in enhanced recipe parts did not copy the [Security level]. <Filing and Enhanced Recipe> - Using filing and enhanced recipes at the same time froze the display unit. <Security> - After entering the password or user ID in the security screen, the display unit would freeze. <WinGP> - Immediately after using a USB mini-B cable to download to the SP5000 series (Open Box), detaching the USB mini-B cable from the Open Box would cause it to freeze. <I/O Driver> - After stopping and then resuming the logic, analog input and temperature input did not always start back up. - After automatically transferring the project, there were instances when the updated CANopen configuration did not download to slave units. <Pro-face Remote HMI> - The SP5000 (Power Box) would freeze if it changed to online mode in the middle of screen distribution. 7-3 Pro-face Remote HMI Server <Communication> - When a client tried to reconnect with the server, the client showed the error message "Received an invalid packet" and the client failed to connect. = V4.01.000 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <I/O Driver> - When using the STD4S driver on the LT4000 series and you set the [2 Phase Counter] to [0-Preload], even if you turned OFF [Synchronize Output], an error (RGEE101) occurred if you changed the preload value. <Window> - When you set the [Window Type] to [Word Action] and saved the project, restarting the screen editor and reopening the project reverted the [Window Control Address] to its default value. <Print> - When the interface language was Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese, page breaks were in the wrong spots, causing blank pages. <Logic> - When you made subroutines with many steps, the logic program editor's performance would degrade. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <Historical Trend Graph> - On the GP4000 series (except for GP-4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM), when you displayed historical data and showed the cursor, the graph display was abnormal. <Simulation> - The simulation function in GP-Pro EX V4.0 had high CPU usage. <Offline> - On the SP5000 series Open Box (SP-5B40), the screen distorted when changing to offline mode. <Display> - On the SP5000 series Open Box (SP-5B40), when you set advanced display in the project data settings and premium display for the display module, either the screen did not display as a full screen, or the screen's right or bottom side extended beyond view. <Picture Display> - Just at the moment you ran a screen capture, if the unit changed to offline or transfer mode, the run time would freeze. 7-3 Device/PLC <Beckhoff Automation GmbH TwinCAT ADS/AMS Driver> - D-Script memory copy (from PLC to display) copies only the first address point in [Symbol] mode. - Reading STRING symbols results in error in [Symbol] mode. - Use of offset may cause a text display to read data from a wrong address in [Tag] mode. - Data in TOD and DT arrays may not be displayed properly in [Tag] mode. - GP-Pro EX may abruptly be terminated if nodes in [Tag] mode and ones in [Symbol] mode are mixed in one project. - Reading STRING symbols with more than 1414 characters in total in one screen may result in error. - Pro-Server EX allows tag data to be created and edited which can lead to a mismatch with tag data in GP-Pro EX projects. <Panasonic SUNX FPSeries cimputer Link SIO> - Send monitor command when shuddown the path throgh evenif setting don't use monitor command. <OMRON CS/CJ/NJ Series EtherNet/IP Driver> - Couldn't display odd elements of String variables on Omron PLC NJ in the Data Display. = V4.00.000 =================================================================== 7-1 Editor (Editor) <Function> - When a project included base screens set up with parts that referenced other base screens, moving or copying parts took longer than expected. <Logic Monitor> - When running Online Monitor over a network, the connection failed and showed error "Code=8". <Workspace> - In the Address workspace, double-clicking the [Feature], [Location], or [Screen] column reverted the list to its default sort settings. - The Parts Toolbox and Shape Browser showed 65,535 colors instead of 65,536 colors. <Error Check> - When working with a LT4000 series project with an Italian, Chinese (Simplified) or Korean interface, an error appeared during error check even though there were no errors in the project. - An incorrect warning message displayed when the text table language did not match the parts and common settings using the text table. - Even if function block instructions exceeded the limit, there was no error at error check when [Share Local Variables in Function Blocks] was set to do not share. <Graph> - [Semicircle Graph] did not display correctly, when the display unit's [Orientation] was [Landscape]. <Properties> - The blink setting was available even though the display unit did not support blink. <Enhanced Recipe> - If you sorted by all the items in the [Recipe Group] element list, ran [Undo] or [Redo], and then removed an element, the application ended abruptly. <Function Block> - You could not use the keyboard to assign a Timer variable, Counter variable, or PID variable to an instructions's input or output operand. <Version Reverter> - When you saved a project with GP4201TM(Modular Type) to version [V3.00 - V3.01], you could not open the project in the associated version of GP-Pro EX. - When you saved a project with GP-4301TM(Modular Type) and [Enable Ethernet Multilink] to version [V3.00 - V3.01], sometimes opening the project in the associated version of GP-Pro EX disabled [Enable Ethernet Multilink]. - Even though you were not supposed to be able to save a GP-4201TM(Modular Type) or GP-4301TM(Modular Type) project set up with tag data on its PLC/Device to version [V3.00 - V3.01], the save operation may have run. <Transfer Tool> - When running [Compare Project], some of the differences in the [Text Table] settings appeared as [Exclusive Screen] differences. - After running [Reduce Images to 16-Bit Colors] on an image part set to 16,777,216 colors, running [Transfer Project] caused an error message to display. <Project Converter> - There were cases when you could not convert sampling groups associated with a historical trend graph that was grouped with other objects. 7-2 Display Unit (Runtime) <Offline> - After saving a project without changing any offline mode settings, there were some differences when compared with a project with the same settings. - After initializing SRAM from the WinGP offline menu, an error occasionally occurred when running CF->SRAM Transfer or SD->SRAM transfer. - On the LT3300 series and GP3300 series (except for GP-3310, GP-3360), the [Main Unit]-[Ethernet Local Settings] did not show the MAC address correctly. - When real-time printing of the alarm setting is enable ,if it shifts to offline mode after alarm generating, operations would freeze. <Security> - When security was enabled, you could not use Internet Explorer to access the FTP server. <Picture Display> - When using image fonts in a picture display, running the [Clearing action] occasionally erased area outside the picture. - The mark display was occasionally distorted when two or more picture displays showed mark images on the same screen. - On the GP-4201TM or GP-4301TM, when you used a picture display to move a mark, occasionally after-images remained of the mark in its original position. <EZ Fingerprint Recognition Unit> - Updating unregistered fingerprint data appeared as a normal operation when it should have been an error. <Memory Loader> - After using the Transfer Tool to download Memory Loader backup data, comparison showed differences between internal data and storage. <Screen Transfer> - When the write filter setting was enabled and you tranferred to WinGP, on restarting WinGP, it started in transfer mode. - Project transfer failed after you disabled the write filter setting while WinGP was running. - Operations would freeze when transfering a project while there was a Pro-Server EX data transfer error. <CSV Display> - Editing or saving the CSV file in the CSV display occasionally changed the CSV file name. <Operation Log> - Running the SD->SRAM transfer command from the offline menu occasionally added invalid content in the operation log. <Message Display> - The first time after a screen change the message display showed correctly, but messages did not update. <I/O driver> - On the LT4000 series with the STD4S driver, even though you ran the PCHQ (pulse catch input clear) instruction, it occasionally did not clear the status of the pulse catch. - On the LT4000 series with the STD4S driver, even though you ran the HSCQ (stop high-speed counter) instruction, it occasionally did not change the status of the high-speed counter. - On the LT4000 series with the STD4S driver, after the special I/O parameter error's system variable (#L_ExIOSpParmErr) showed an error status, you were unable to change it back to normal status. <Date/Time> - On the GP4000 series (except for GP-4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM) the date/time would reset to "2000/00/00 00:00:00". - On the GP4000 series (except for GP-4100 series, GP-4201TM, and GP-4301TM), when the SD card was not mounted and the SD Card Free Space (Memory Card Setting) was enabled, for 5 seconds after booting, the date and time showed "2000/00/00 00:00:00". <Others> - When there are frequent communication errors with the PLC, although rare, operations would freeze. - On WinGP, when the save destination for historical data was a folder and the free disk space was zero, an error message did not appear even though backup data could not save. 7-3 Device/PLC <Digital Electronics Corporation Memory Link> <Digital Electronics Corporation General Ethernet> <Digital Electronics Corporation General SIO> <Schneider Electric SA MODBUS slave> - The Wait To Send time observed in communication may not be the same as the value which has been set in the Wait To Send parameter. <OMRON Corporation CS/CJ/NJ Series EtherNet/IP> - For a connection with multiple NJ Series which share the same Tag Data, Numeric Data Displays do not display the correct PLC data. <Siemens AG SIMATIC S7 MPI Direct> - On startup of the display unit, an SIO Error may occur rarely. <Schneider Electric SA Uni-Telway> - A Timeout Error may occur. - When the "Reference / Channel" is set to a value other than 0 in the Device-Specific Settings, communication does not work. <Rockwell Automation EtherNet/IP> - Depending on the connection configuration, part of the Equipment Module Tag Data that is listed in the Connection Manual is not imported. ================================================================================ Copyright (C) 2014 Digital Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. "The Terms and Conditions of Software License Agreement" of Digital Electronics Corporation do not apply to Adobe Systems products. All product names in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. Pro-face is a registered trademark of Digital Electronics Corporation in Japan, U.S.A., Canada, Europe and other areas and countries. No part of this document may be used or reproduced without permission. **************************** End of Release Note *****************************