Contents of the LS Area | | | *1 The System Data Area can exclusively use a maximum of 20 words. The Read Area can exclusively use a maximum of 256 words. The User Area's top address is the Read Area's top address (20) + Read Area's size. | | | What is “System Data Area”? | GP’s basic information such as GP’s clock and the number of currently displayed screen is stored in the System Data Area (LS0 to LS19). The LS Area cannot be monitored directly with PLC’s ladder program. You can read and write contents in the System Data Area by mapping them to the PLC’s device such as data register or data memory. | | For details of the system data area, refer to the GP-ProEX Reference Manual, ・When connecting to PLC, inverter, or something like that →LS Area (Direct Access Method) A.1.1 LS Area (Direct Access Method Area) ・For Memory Link Type, →System Area (Memory Link Area) A.1.2 System Area (Memory Link Method Area) | | How to specify a system start address | [Method 1] Settings on GP-Pro EX
| | (1) | Click [System Settings]->[Display Unit]. | | | | | (2) | In the [System Data Area] of the [System Area] settings, specify [System Area Start Address]. | | | | | (3) | Save the project file and transfer the screen data to the GP unit again. The dialog box prompting system update at the time of transfer appears. Transfer the data with [Yes]. | | | | | [Method 2] Settings on the GP’s offline screen
| | (1) | Enter the OFFLINE mode and touch [Main Unit Settings]->[System Area Settings]. | | | (2) | Touch the white frame of [System Area Start Address] and specify it. | | | | | | |