Posted: July 29, 2022
Updated: Jan 20, 2023
Thank you very much for your continuous use of Pro-face products.
This notice is to report the following symptom which has occurred BLUE V3.2 SP2 or V3.3.
We deeply apologize to our customers for any inconvenience and concerns this may cause.
Details of symptom
An issue where opening a project file in the screen editing software unintentionally changed the device address associated with an external variable in a structure or array variable.
Occurrence conditions:
When all the following conditions are met
- Associate a device address to a structure or array variable
- Any address is Associated to each element of a structure or array variable
Target products
Target product | BLUE Ver. 3.2 SP2, BLUE Ver. 3.3 |
How to check version | Click "About ..." to check the version information. |
We have implementing permanent measures. please download and use BLUE V3.3 Hotfix 1 or a later version of BLUE.
Versatile Software BLUE
Contact for inquiries
If you have any inquiries, please contact our sales office in your region.
For contact information, please refer to the Inquiry page.