Manufacturer Name | Communication Driver * The lower line in brackets shows connected series/device names. For detailed model numbers, make sure to refer to "Device/PLC Connection Manual". | ST/STM 6000 | SP 5000 | GP 4000 | GP 4000M | GP 4100 | GP 3000 | LT 4000M | LT 3000 | PS6000 PS5000 PS4000 PE4000B PL3000 PS3000 (WinGP) | Device Monitor *2 | Pass Through | Serial Multilink | USB /SIO RS422 /485 *2 |
YASKAWA INFORMATION SYSTEMS | MMCloud TCP Client (MMCloud Series) | - | - | - | - | - | - |
*1 Only GP4100 Series color model is supported.
*2 For the supported models, refer to "1.5 Supported Features in the Reference Manual".