Each model of Multi-Converter (Multi-Data Box) supports the same PLC units as SP5000 Series, GP4000M Series and LT4000M Series.
Inverter/ Servo
Manufacturer Name | Communication Driver * The lower line in brackets shows connected series/device names. For detailed model numbers, make sure to refer to "Device/PLC Connection Manual". | ST/STM | SP 5000 | GP 4000 | GP 4000M | GP 4100 | GP 3000 | LT 4000M | LT 3000 |
PS6000 | Device Monitor *2 | Pass Through | Serial Multilink | USB /SIO RS422 /485 *2 |
Fuji Electric Co.,Ltd. | Inverter SIO (FRENIC5000G11S ,FRENIC5000P11S , FVR-E11S, FVR-C11S, FRENIC-MEGA, FRENIC-Mini, FRENIC-Eco, FRENIC-Multi) | - | - | - | ||||||||||
Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. | Inverter ASCII SIO (L300P, SJ300, SJ700, SJ700-2, SJH300, HFC-VAH3) | - | - | |||||||||||
Inverter MODBUS RTU (SJ700, SJ700-2, X200, SJ200, L200, WJ200) ⇒Sample (SJ700, SJ700-2, X200, SJ200, L200, WJ200) | - | - | ||||||||||||
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | FREQROL Inverter (FR-A700, FR-A701, FR-E700, FR-F700, FR-A500, FR-C500, FR-A500L, FR-E500, FR-F500, FR-F500J, FR-F500L, FR-S500, FR-V500, FR-V500L, FR-B,B3(A500), FR-B,B3(A700)) | - | - | |||||||||||
Sanmei Electronics Co., LTD | Si/CutyAxis Series SIO (Si2, CutyAxis2, CutyAxis3) | - | - | - | ||||||||||
Toshiba Schneider Inverter Corporation | General MODBUS SIO Master (TOSVERT VF-S15) ⇒Sample (TOSVERT VF-AS1) ⇒Sample | - | - | |||||||||||
YASKAWA Electric Corporation | INVERTER/SERVO SIO (Varispeed F7, Varispeed G7, VS mini J7, VS mini V7/VS-606V7, Varispeed F7S, Varispeed L7, Varispeed AC, V1000, J1000, A1000, Analog Voltage/Pulse Train Reference Type SERVOPACKs For Rotary Servomotors, Analog Voltage/Pulse Train Reference Type SERVOPACKs For Linear Servomotors) | - | - | - | ||||||||||
MP Ethernet/MECHATROLINK (V1000, A1000, Σ-V Series Rotary Motors (M-II), Σ-V Series Linear Motors (M-II), Σ-V Series Rotary Motors (M-III), Σ-V Series Linear Motors (M-III), Σ-7 Series 1-axis Servo Pack (M-II), Σ-7 Series 1-axis Servo Pack (M-III), Σ-7 Series 2-axis Servo Pack (M-III)) | - | - | - |
- The transfer driver's names with a symbol "★" requires to update a driver. Go to download page after clicking a Transfer Driver's name.
Industrial Robot
Manufacturer Name | Communication Driver * The lower line in brackets shows connected series/device names. For detailed model numbers, make sure to refer to "Device/PLC Connection Manual". | ST/STM 6000 | SP 5000 | GP 4000 | GP 4000M | GP 4100 | GP 3000 | LT 4000M | LT 3000 | PS6000 PS5000 PS4000 PL3000 PS3000 (WinGP) | Device Monitor *2 | Pass Through | Serial Multilink | USB /SIO RS422 /485 *2 |
DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED | b-CAP Protocol (TCP) Driver (RC7M, RC8) ⇒Sample (RC8) ⇒Sample | - | - | |||||||||||
Estic Corporation | General MODBUS TCP Master (Handy 2000) ⇒Sample | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
Hyundai Heavy Industries | Hi4 Robot (Hi4 Robot) | - | - | - | - | - | ||||||||
Hi5 Robot (Hi5 Robot) | - | - | - | - | ||||||||||
IAI Corporation | ROBO CYLINDER MODBUS SIO (PCON, ACON, SCON, ERC2, ROBONET, RCON) ⇒Sample | - | - | |||||||||||
X-SEL Controller (X-SEL(Linear Actuator Controller), X-SEL(SCARA Robot Controller), SSEL, ASEL, PSEL, Table-Top Actuator) | - | - | - | |||||||||||
General MODBUS SIO Master (Position Controller, RCON) | - | - | ||||||||||||
General MODBUS TCP Master (RCON) | - | - | - | |||||||||||
EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging (RCON) | - | - | - | - | ||||||||||
Seiko Epson Corporation | Remote Ethernet (RC700) ⇒Sample | - | - | - | - | |||||||||
SMC Corporation | General MODBUS SIO Master (LECP6, LECA6) ⇒Sample | - | - | |||||||||||
Shibaura Machine CO., LTD. | TC Series (TC mini/TC200) (TS1000, TS2000, TS2100, TS3000, TS3100) ⇒Sample | - | ||||||||||||
Yaskawa Electric Corporation | High Speed Ethernet Server Driver (DX100, FS100, DX200, FS100L) | - | - | - | ||||||||||
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. | Robot Positioner TS Series (TS-S, TS-X, TS-P) | - | - | - |
- The samples do not support all models, so editing the samples is needed.
*1 The connection has been confirmed in "Connection Device Samples." For detailed model number and cable diagram, refer to connection manuals in "Connection Device Samples."
*2 For the supported models, refer to "1.5 Supported Features in the Reference Manual".
*3 To be supported in 2021