[Leaflet] Power Outage Safeguards – Protecting Data Integrity


Updated: Dec, 13 2024



3 solution for power outage safeguards requirement

 BehaviorAdditional EquipmentProtect AreaReliability
UPSContinue to send electricity by external deviceUPSSystem & Data AreaHigh
RAIDAlways taking backup data to storageStorageData AreaMid
UWF (Write Filter)Prevent writing to the system area to avoid crash -System AreaMid

Connectivity Tested UPS

ModelEffectUse caseCapacityReliability
Schneider Electric : SMT500J - APC Smart - UPS500Supply electricity for long time
Back-up process can be run
Long outageLongHigh
Schneider Electric : BVS240XDPDR - Easy UPS
Bicker : UPSI-2406DP2Safely shutdownMomentary outageShortLow

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