Last update: Oct. 04, 2011
Related Devices
- TC200 Series
- TC200S Series
- TCmini Series
Related Units
- GP3000 Series
- GP4100 Series (GP4105, GP4016, GP4107: GP-Pro EX Ver. 2.60.000 or later, GP4104: GP-Pro EX Ver. 2.70.000 or later.)
- GP4000M Series (GP-Pro EX Ver. 2.71.000 or later)
- IPC Series for WinGP (GP-Pro EX Ver. 2.00.000 or later)
- General PCs for WinGP (GP-Pro EX Ver. 2.10.000 or later)
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Update History
[Ver. 1.13.03] (Oct. 4, 2011)
The following settings were added:- Pass-through is supported.
[Ver. 1.12.03]
- The maker name was changed from “Shibaura Machine CO., LTD” to “Shibaura Machine CO., LTD”.
[Ver. 1.12.02]
The following settings were added:- GP4000M Series was supported.
* To use a GP4000M Series Ver. 2.71.000 or later of GP-Pro EX are necessary. - GP4104 was supported.
* To use a GP4104 (Ethernet Multilink) Ver. 2.70.000 or later of GP-Pro EX are necessary.
- A problem has been corrected that the communication error occurs approximately every 49.71 days during communication with PLC in the case of continuous operation.
[Ver. 1.12.01]
The following settings were added:- GP4105, GP4106, GP4107 was supported.
* To use a GP4105, GP4106, GP4107 Ver. 2.60.000 or later of GP-Pro EX are necessary.
[Ver. 1.11.01]
- The driver name was changed from “PROVISOR TC200” to “TC Series (TCmini/TC200)”.
- "Device Data Copy Tool" was supported.
[Ver. 1.10.00] (Jun. 14, 2007)