[Communication Driver] YASKAWA INFORMATION SYSTEMS MMCloud TCP Client Diver


Last update: Jul. 31, 2018

Related Devices

  • MMCloud (MMLink-3G)

Related Units

ModelRequired driver version
SP5000 SeriesVer. 1.10.00 or later
GP4000 SeriesVer. 1.10.00 or later
GP4000M SeriesVer. 1.10.00 or later
GP4100 Series (GP4114)Ver. 1.10.00 or later
LT4000M SeriesVer. 1.10.00 or later
IPC Series for WinGPVer. 1.10.00 or later
General PCs for WinGPVer. 1.10.00 or later

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415.11 kB (425,075 Byte)


Update History

[Ver. 1.10.01]  (Jul. 31, 2018)

The following issues were corrected
  • In the case that you set on GP-Pro EX such that sending data size becomes big and the interval of sending data becomes short, communication sometimes didn’t recover.
  • If the driver sends more than 65535 bytes data, it sends data divided into twice or more times communication. In this time, data on second or later communication weren’t sent correctly.