제품 기본 정보
글로벌 코드
제품 특징
GP와 PC를 이더넷으로 연결시켜 데이터 수집 혹은 데이터 전송을 수행하는 소프트웨어 *1

1설정 에디터와 런타임이 포함되어 있습니다.

소프트웨어 동작 환경
대응 OS
[PC / AT Compatible]
Windows XP 32 bit (Home, Professional) (Service Pack3 or later)
Windows Server 2003 32 bit (Standard, Enterprise) (Service Pack2 or later)
Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit (Standard, Enterprise) (Service Pack2 or later)
Windows Vista 32 bit (Ultimate, Professional, Home Premium, Home Basic, Business, Enterprise)
Windows 7 32 bit / 64 bit (Ultimate, Professional, Home Premium, Home Basic, Business, Enterprise)
Windows Server 2008 32 bit / 64 bit (Standard, Enterprise, DataCenter)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard, Enterprise, DataCenter)
Windows 8 32 bit / 64 bit (no mark, Pro, Enterprise)
Windows 8.1 32 bit / 64 bit (no mark, Pro, Enterprise)
Windows Server 2012 (Foundation, Essentials, Standard, DataCenter)
Windows Server 2012 R2 (Foundation, Essentials, Standard, DataCenter)
Windows 10 32 bit / 64 bit (Home, Pro, Enterprise)
Windows Server 2016 64 bit (Essentials, Standard, DataCenter)
Windows Server 2019 64 bit (Essentials, Standard, DataCenter)

[SP5000 Series (Open Box)]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 32 bit

[PE4000B Series]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 32 bit

[PS5000 Series]
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Windows Embedded Standard 7 32 bit / 64 bit MUI
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry 64 bit
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB 64 bit
대상 언어 (메뉴/문서)
English / Japanese
필요 디스크 용량
[Pro-Server EX Developer] The mimimum: 1.1 GB (Recommended: 2.2 GB or greater)
[Pro-Server EX Runtime] The mimimum: 650 MB (Recommended: 1.3 GB or greater)
필요 메모리 용량
[Pro-Server EX Developer] The minimum: 256 MB (Recommended: 2 GB or greater)
[Pro-Server EX Runtime] The minimum: 128 MB (Recommended: 2 GB or greater)
SVGA (800 × 600) or greater*2
x86 1.3GHz or greater, or compatible processor
그 외 소프트웨어
Microsoft Excel 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019
Microsoft Access 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2019
Oracle Database 8, 10g, 11g
Microsoft Internet Explorer Ver. 5.0 or later
.NET Framework Ver. 2.0
접속 프린터 기종
상기 OS에 대응
LAN cable (10BASE-2, 10BASE-5, 10BASE-T, 100BASE-T, 1000BASE-T)

1인스톨을 위해 필요한 공간

2256색 이상의 표시가 필요, 96dpi 폰트만 대응

3[Microsoft® Excel/Access]64비트 OS사용의 경우, 32비트판 Office만 이용이 가능합니다. Excel 레포트 기능 외의 액션을 사용하실 경우, Office 2003이하와 호환되는 파일 형식을 사용하여 주십시오.
[Microsoft® Internet Explorer]은 항상 최신 버전을 유지하여 주십시오.
[.NET Framework 2.0]인스톨 되어 있지 않은 PC에 대해서는 자동적으로 설치가 진행됩니다.

4상기 OS에 대응

OPC Server for Pro-Server EX
대응 OS
[PC / AT Compatible]
Windows XP 32 bit (Service Pack3 or later, Professional edition)
Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit (Standard / Enterprise edition) (SP2 or later)
Windows Vista 32 bit (Ultimate / Professional / Home Premium / Home Basic / Business / Enterprise edition)
Windows 7 32 bit / 64 bit (Ultimate / Professional / Home Premium / Home Basic / Business / Enterprise edition)
Windows Server 2008 32 bit / 64 bit (Standard / Enterprise / DataCenter edition)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard / Enterprise / DataCenter edition)
Windows 8 32 bit / 64 bit (no mark / Pro / Enterprise edition)
Windows 8.1 32 bit / 64 bit (no mark / Pro / Enterprise edition)
Windows Server 2012 (Foundation / Essentials / Standard / DataCenter edition)
Windows Server 2012 R2 (Foundation / Essentials / Standard / DataCenter edition)
Windows 10 32 bit / 64 bit (Home / Pro / Enterprise)
Windows Server 2016 64 bit (Essentials / Standard / DataCenter edition)
Windows Server 2019 64 bit (Essentials / Standard / DataCenter edition)

[SP5000 Series (Open Box)]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 32 bit

[PE4000B Series]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 32 bit

[PS5000 Series]
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry 64 bit
Windows Embedded Standard 7 Premium 64 bit
Pentium III 600 MHz or greater, or compatible processor*1
필요 디스크 용량
The minimum: 600 MB (Recommended: 1 GB or greater)*2
필요 메모리 용량
The minimum: 512 MB (Recommended: 2 GB or greater)
그 외 소프트웨어
.NET Framework Ver. 2.0
Pro-Server EX Ver. 1.20 or later
Microsoft Internet Explorer Ver. 6.0 or later

11 GHz or greater recommended.

21GB 이상 추천, 인스톨을 위해 필요한 공간

3Automatically installed in the PC without .NET Framework 2.0.

MES action
대응 OS
[PC / AT Compatible]
Windows XP 32 bit (Service Pack3 or later, Professional edition)
Windows Server 2003 32 bit (Standard / Enterprise edition) (SP2 or later)
Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit (Standard / Enterprise edition) (SP2 or later)
Windows Vista 32 bit (Ultimate / Professional / Home Premium / Home Basic / Business / Enterprise edition)
Windows 7 32 bit / 64 bit (Ultimate / Professional / Home Premium / Home Basic / Business / Enterprise edition)
Windows Server 2008 32 bit / 64 bit (Standard / Enterprise / DataCenter edition)
Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard / Enterprise / DataCenter edition)
Windows 8 32 bit / 64 bit (no mark / Pro / Enterprise edition)
Windows 8.1 32 bit / 64 bit (no mark / Pro / Enterprise edition)
Windows Server 2012 (Foundation / Essentials / Standard / DataCente editionr)
Windows Server 2012 R2 (Foundation / Essentials / Standard / DataCenter edition)
Windows 10 32 bit / 64 bit (Home / Pro / Enterprise)
Windows Server 2016 64 bit (Essentials / Standard / DataCenter edition)
Windows Server 2019 64 bit (Essentials / Standard / DataCenter edition)

[SP5000 Series (Open Box)]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 32 bit

[PE4000B Series]
Windows Embedded Standard 7 32 bit

[PS5000 Series]
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry 64 bit
Windows Embedded Standard 7 Premium 64 bit
필요 디스크 용량
The minimum: 1 GB (Recommended: 1 GB or greater)*1
필요 메모리 용량
The minimum: 512 MB (Recommended: 2 GB or greater)
그 외 소프트웨어
NET Framework Ver. 2.0 or later
Pro-Server EX Ver. 1.20 or later
Microsoft SQL Server (2005, Express Edition, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2019)
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

1인스톨을 위해 필요한 공간

2[.NET Framework 2.0]
Automatically installed in the PC without .NET Framework 2.0

[Microsoft SQL Server / SQL Server Management Studio]
Service Pack 2 or later is compatible with Windows Vista.
Service Pack 4 or later is compatible with 64 bit versions Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.