1선설치형 OS의 멀티 랭귀지 기능에 대응되는 언어에 대해서는, "선설치형 OS 멀티 랭귀지 대응 언어 일람"을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다.
Windows® Embedded Standard 7 대응 CF 카드는 8GB
2메인 메모리로부터 할당됨
1USB 3.0 is equipped with Core i3 model of Windows 7 or Windows Embedded Standard 7
Maximum 500 mA per connection for USB5
Maximum 1 A per connection for USB1, USB2, USB3 and USB4
USB5 is not equipped with Rear Mount Model.
2Modifying products to install an HDD into a Slide-in Disk when it was not installed from factory, requires to change the unit firmware settings for proper behavior of the fan (that are required when running with HDD into a Slide-in Disk) - Please contact Pro-face support if you want to proceed such modification.
1The length between two mounting holes